Course curriculum

Learn to harness ultrasound to increase your regenerative and nerve injection safety and accuracy through online preview modules and a weekend of hands-on scanning and live injecting

    1. Preview Module

    2. (Optional) Slides

    3. Regenerative Medicine Basics Assessment

    1. Sterile Tray Setup Preview Module

    2. Sterile Tray Setup Assessment

    1. Ultrasound Basics and LHB/Supraspinatus Live Needling Demo

    2. US Basics Slides

    3. US Basics Assessment

    1. Dr. Gary Clark Biotensegrity Summary

    2. Dr. Adrian Gretton on Allostasis vs. Homeostasis

    3. Biotensegrity of Head-Neck-Nerves

    4. Biotensegrity Example - SI Laxity Progression

    5. Dr. Joel Baumgartner on Lumbosacral Instability Progression and Stabilization with Prolotherapy

    6. Biotensegrity Assessment

    7. Bonus - Dr. Agnes Stogicza on Lumbosacral Biotensegrity and Regen Evidence

    1. Long-Head Bicep and Transverse Humeral Ligament

    2. Coracohumeral Ligament (potential Superior GlenoHumeral Ligament and Anterior GlenoHumeral Joint Capsule)

    3. Rotator Interval - Long Head Bicep, Supraspinatus, Subscapularis, Superior GlenoHumeral Ligament, CoracoHumeral Ligament, Anterior Joint Space!

    4. Subacromial Bursa

    5. Subdeltoid Bursa

    6. AcromioClavicular Joint

    7. GlenoHumeral Joint (Posterior)

    8. SupraScapular Neve

    1. Extensor Retinaculum - DeQuervain's Tenosynovitis Injection

    2. Dorsal Wrist - Radioscaphoid/radiolunate, Scapholunate

    3. 1st Carpal-MetaCarpal

    4. Trigger Finger

About this course

  • $2,098.00
  • 30 lessons
  • 3.5 hours of video content
  • Weekend of hands-on training
  • Online preview
  • Prerequisite for advanced ultrasound courses

Upgrade your regenerative injection skills